Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Love Language

So, I have taken the time to write about many people in my life, but I haven't really focused on the most valuable person in my life yet. I have wanted to respect his privacy, but that doesn't mean a little braggin can't happen!

DS and I have been married for almost five years now! WOW! The time goes by so fast! He is a wonderful, dedicated, loyal, and loving man. I really can't imagine going through life with anyone but him. He is my partner through and through. We make good decisions together and I think we both truly love each other in an unconditional way.

However, our marriage is not perfect. We have had some really tough times, and yet, we have always pulled through. We have a couple of ways to get through those rocky times. One way, is that we have both decided we are committed to the marriage, not just each other. That way, when the person upsets you, you are still committed. Another way, is that we try to focus on each other's love language. Your love language is the way you "express" love and "feel" loved. The way that you show others that you love them is your love language. We all speak our own language! The problem lies in the fact that your spouse, partner, or child may not speak the same language, and therefore, does not feel "loved" by you.

DS is a quality time person. He wants my time and he wants my attention. In return, he gives me his time and attention. I, however, love words of affirmation. I love to be appreciated verbally for what I do, written notes, or told "I love you." We don't speak the same language! My husband has been so amazing lately, because I haven't had the "quality" time to spend with him because we are getting ready to launch a new church at the end of the month. Every extra minute I have is spent on children's ministry. He keeps encouraging me verbally and through email though. That's my guy!

Love languages can cross over to any relationship, and once you figure out some one's love language, you can make them feel loved no matter what. I am in the process of trying to figure out Caleb's love language. I think his might be touch. From the time he was first born, he has wanted to be held, kissed on, cuddled, and hugged. To this very day, he loves to be in one of our arms. Abby on the other hand, I have no idea! She pretends to talk all day, so maybe hers will be words...I mean after all, she does take after her mother!

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

YOu guys have such a sweet relationship. Love to hear about this language of love- blake said his was acts of service- that's mine too. I would have guessed his was touch, but, guess I was wrong!!