Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer days are here...

Growing up, there was one thing that meant "summer" to me, and it was watermelon. My grandparents owned a farm in Arkansas that we visited every summer. One of the things that my grandad grew was watermelons. In fact, he grew HUGE watermelons, that tasted absolutely wonderful.

I have memories of getting HUGE slices of watermelon and having the juice run down my chin and onto my clothes. I never did like being sticky, but something about tasting that wonderful and sweet watermelon made my mouth melt. For me, it is the sum of the whole picture...

playing on the farm, racing our lawn mowers, painting the house, making mud pies, setting off our own fireworks, blackberry cobbler, corn on the cob, chicken n'dumplings, a pet deer (don't ask), naming the cows, fishing in the catfish pond (I think I just liked throwing out the food on the water), taking walks to the chicken coups, and yes, even going to church in the ultra-conservative town. All of these memories remind me of wonderful summers that are now gone. My grandparent's both passed away when I was in college. They will never know my kids, and my kids will never know them, or the joys of the farm. This is one of the sad details of life...however, we always have memories, and I will pass those onto my children. So, grab a slice of watermelon, and make those wonderful summer memories!


Anonymous said...

Thankyou for this one. So powerful to those in our family.
Stunning photos.

Nicole H. said...

Isn't it amazing what childhood is? I have such similar memories of my grandfathers house. Different but the same. I hope my kids have these amazing kinds of childhood days as well. Thanks for helping take me back. And I agree, GREAT pictures!