Monday, June 30, 2008

The Circus!

Caleb and I have what we call "Caleb and Mommy dates" (daddy has "daddy and Caleb hangouts"). This was something that we started after Abby was born, and we realized he needed some quality one on one time. By far, these are my favorite times with my son. I get him away from everyone else and it is just him and I, and the conversations are endless.

This last date was to the circus! We loved it! We had a fabulous time together! Towards the end, he started to get a little bored, and that is okay. His favorite part was the motorcycles in the cage. I will admit, that was really cool! My favorite part though, had to be the trapeze! Those people are crazy! :)

I had promised him if he was good, his treat would be cotten candy. This is because I seriously would never let him have this on his own. He did some extra chores around the house the morning of to earn some money for his cotten candy. Little did I know that it would cost us $12 for cotten candy! That is TWELVE dollars! YIKES! He ate it like a champ...but wouldn't touch it with his hands. He got very hyper, then crashed on the way home...typical!

It was a really fun day together!


Nicole H. said...

SO FUN! I love cotton candy too. I don't think I've had it in YEARS. I miss you girl. It seems like it's been forever since we've even talked. We leave this week for awhile. Hope you have a great fourth if I don't talk to you.

Angie said...

I haven't been to the circus since I was a kid. What fun for both of you and such great memories. I can't beleive cotton candy cost that much, that is crazy expensive!

Mandy said...

How fun!! That is so great that you have cute little dates with your son, what a neat idea. $12.00 cottoncandy! thats just CRAZY :O)