Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back to the grind...

I have officially been a stay at home mommy for two days now, going on my third! Daddy had 2.5 weeks off at Christmas time, so I got very use to having a second set of hands around. But, I did start to feel useless around the house. I can honestly say that I felt like I didn't really have a sense of purpose, because for me, it wasn't vacation, it was my daily life. So, although the last two days have been hard in some ways, I can honestly say I am in my element. We haven't gone anywhere because Caleb was so sick over the weekend, it has been raining, and is pretty cold. But, I have cleaned out almost every closet in the house...the pantry...done almost all the laundry in the house...given baths...fed the kids (several times a day, managed to keep my kitchen clean throughout the day...and still had time to play with the kiddos in between. I actually think I have been more productive now that daddy went back to work...maybe mentally I was on vacation too! Here are some pics of bathtime...I mean, how could I not enjoy this? (Until 4pm hits and I am trying to do dinner...and have two very crabby kids...every mom knows what I am talking about...4-6pm...the hardest time to be a stay at home mom.)

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

I hear you! I feel the exact same way. Vacations are fun, but when you are a mom- you really never have a true "break" and so it feels funny. Love you New Year's resolutions. I'm the same with my big mouth. I should make a similar resolution!! Keep me posted on how that goes. And great idea about the Locks of Love.
Oh- just now received your Christmas card- gorgeous! LOVE the pics. who took them?