I have been tagged! I am suppose to write 7 random facts about myself…so here goes! I am tagging Stephanie, Angela, and Kelly!
1. I have a mouth aversion…okay, so I know this sounds totally bizarre…but I absolutely cannot stand to share a drink with people, touch someone else’s saliva (including my kids), and think the worst possible job in the world would be dentistry (no offense Stephanie and Blake). I literally buy my kids new toothbrushes every couple of weeks because I am disgusted by them. I buy my hubby and I new toothbrushes quite often…and when I have to clean the toothbrush holder, I gag through the whole thing.
2. I HATE cats…sounds harsh, I know. But, I really do…I am so allergic to them that my eyes puff up and I can’t stop sneezing. I can’t stand the fact that people let their cats walk around in my yard and do their business in my kids’ sandbox. I wouldn’t let my dog go and do his business in their yard…not sure why it is okay the other way around.
3. I love photography…I love taking pictures and looking at pictures. Even in high school, I always took the camera and took pictures. It doesn’t mean I am good at it, but I love pictures. I feel like pictures are all we have when life is over to preserve our memories. I really want a good camera and for one of my MANY friends who do photography to teach me their secrets. Even if it never becomes a major talent of mine, I just absolutely LOVE it.
4. I LOVE to talk…no secret there! Get me on the phone at the right time, and you may be stuck for an hour! Believe it or not, I do get tired of talking sometimes…but good conversation with a good friend is what makes life good for me!
5. My Life Long Dream…is to help young moms. I have a dream of being a house for teenager mothers to come, learn about being a mother, educate them on their choices, give them medical health, and then if they choose to keep their baby, help them finish their education and teach them skills for success. It is ultimately the baby who suffers from uneducated mothers. If they chose adoption, then I would want to help place the baby for little money…since adoption is sooooo expensive.
6. I LOVE to travel…I spent a semester in Florence, Italy and traveled all over Europe every weekend. This was incredible to me. I am fascinated by people and the way that they interact (hence the sociology minor in my degree), so I LOVED seeing how others lived. I would love to go to Austraila, Ireland/Scottland, Greece, South Korea, China, Japan, Thailand, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, and many many other places.
7. My Largest Fear…is something happening to my children, husband, or a close family member or friend. I live in fear of my children having to be hospitalized or something happening out of my control. I feel like it is my job to protect them, and the idea that they may get a disease out of my control is almost paralyzing to me. I also have a fear of them falling from tall heights…like the second story of the mall, or from bridges over water, things like that.
I loved learning these things about you. I have to say I didn't know you loved to talk so much ;) I really love our long talks. When we go a few days without talking I feel like I'm missing something. You are an amazing friend. I think everyone should know that about you!!! And I would be honored to teach you what I know. Sadly, I don't have any secrets. For me me it's just what feels right. I wish someone would teach me too. But I can teach you about your camera.
I loved learning these things about you. I have to say I didn't know you loved to talk so much ;) I really love our long talks. When we go a few days without talking I feel like I'm missing something. You are an amazing friend. I think everyone should know that about you!!! And I would be honored to teach you what I know. Sadly, I don't have any secrets. For me me it's just what feels right. I wish someone would teach me too. But I can teach you about your camera.
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