Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

I know...I am the only one who probably will even read this, as I have been a very bad blogger...when you only blog twice a year, no one is going to read it. But, I do try and get on here to update things every once in awhile, because like I have said, this is one way to record my family's happenings for my kiddos. I don't scrapbook, I don't keep up on their "boxes" the way I should, and so this is one more way to record memories.

With that being are some fun pictures of Easter! Well, the day before anyway! We started out on Good Friday with a new family tradition. We made breakfast and all sat down together to read the story of Jesus' crucifixion. Then, we had a fun day of playing games, swimming, and Caleb and daddy played tennis together. Today, Saturday, we dyed Easter Eggs, and went on an Easter Egg "Hunt" at the community park. I say hunt lightly because none of the eggs were hidden. It was a fun time for all!