Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Caleb's sixth Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Caleb! The time has come and gone again...wow! Six years! I am amazed that it has gone by so quickly! This year was the first year I let him have a party that wasn't at home. On Sunday, we had just family over to the house to celebrate his birthday. Then, on Monday, the 21st, his actual birthday, we headed to Mukutu's Island. He was allowed to invite the boys from his class, and his cousins, and of course his sister. It was a boy only party (except his sister and cousin, Bella). The boys ran and ran and ran some more! They screamed so loud when they sang happy birthday that he had to cover his ears. The deal was that he would forgo a present from mom and dad if he had a birthday at a "place" instead of a home party. It also meant he was limited on how many kids he could invite. But, he has been begging for a party at Mukutu's for two years now. I must admit, it was so nice to walk away from the mess. However, now the mess of all the presents, left-over pizza, and left-over cake is all over my house! Those crazy boys had fun and Caleb loved having his big cousin, Ashton, along for two days of the craziness! Now...time to focus on Christmas!!!